Saturday, May 29, 2010

Honora Scahill - Ship Washtington - Passenger - Arriving At - Port of New York

This is an extract from the Ellis Island website.

...From 1794 to 1890 (pre-immigration station period), Ellis Island played a mostly uneventful but still important military role in United States history. When the British occupied New York City during the duration of the Revolutionary War, its large and powerful naval fleet was able to sail unimpeded directly into New York Harbor. Therefore, it was deemed critical by the United States Government that a series of coastal fortifications in New York Harbor be constructed just prior to the War of 1812. After much legal haggling over ownership of the island, the Federal government purchased Ellis Island from New York State in 1808. Ellis Island was approved as a site for fortifications and on it was constructed a parapet for three tiers of circular guns, making the island part of the new harbor defense system that included Castle Clinton at the Battery, Castle Williams on Governor's Island, Fort Wood on Bedloe's Island and two earthworks forts at the entrance to New York Harbor at the Verrazano Narrows. The fort at Ellis Island was named Fort Gibson in honor of a brave officer killed during the War of 1812...

Name: Honora Scahill

Sex: Female

Age: 26

Occupation: Not Given

Marital Status: Not Given

Nationality: Not Given

Ship: Washington

Date of Arrival: 25 November 1851

Port of Arrival: Port of New York

Port of Departure: Liverpool, England

Going To Join/Destination: Not Given

Allan Scahill

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