Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mary Scahill - SS Lusitania - Record Of Detained Alien -

This is an extract from the Ancestry magazine archive.

...To many twentieth-century Immigration Passenger Lists, a "Record of Aliens Held for Special Inquiry" and a "Record of Detained Aliens" would be appended after the ship had docked and the passengers had been inspected by U.S. officials. These supplemental lists were microfilmed with the original ship passenger lists to which they were appended.

Record of Aliens Held for Special Inquiry. A "Record of Aliens Held for Special Inquiry" names the passengers who were detained at the immigrant receiving station pending a hearing by a Board of Special Inquiry. It records the reason for the detention, the action taken by the Board, and whether the passenger was admitted or deported. If, for instance, a passenger arrived with measles and had to spend time in quarantine, the Cause of Detention column might show DCD for "detected contagious disease," or LCD for "likely contagious disease," followed by the date the passenger was admitted...

Name: Mary Scahill

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Cause Of Detention: To Cousin

Disposition: Henry, 12 October 1907, 4:10 PM

Ship: SS Lusitania

Date of Arrival: 12 October 1907

Port of Arrival:
Port Of New York

Allan Scahill

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