Saturday, November 03, 2012

William Scahill - 1939 - Index of Probates and Wills - 1861 to 1941

This is an extract from

This database is a collection of historical probate records from the United Kingdom. The records in this collection can range in date from the early 1500s to the mid- to late-1800s. The records include wills and other miscellaneous types of probate records. All of the data was converted as it was originally presented in various published registers and books. For this reason, you will find interesting phonetic spellings and large descriptive tables of contents.

What should I know about this collection to access the data?

Some of the records may be in Latin or even a Welsh or Scottish dialect depending on location. The spelling is archaic, and is transcribed as it was written. There are many spelling inconsistencies and non-standard grammar. Phonetic spelling is often used. Try using variant spellings if a search yields no results.

NameWilliam Scahill

Address: 120 James Street, Preston, Lancashire

Details: Died 7 July 1939. Probate Lancaster 3 October to William Hall, Grocer

Effects£276 15s 2d

Allan Scahill

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