Thursday, April 28, 2011

Reverand John Scahill - Baptizes The Son Of President Kennedy - Historical Newspapers - Billings, Gazette, Billings, Montana

This is an extract from

The Billings Gazette is the largest newspaper in MT and Northern Wyoming. It is geographically one of the largest distributed newspapers in the nation. Each day carriers deliver more than 45,000 daily copies and that number increases to 50,000 on Sunday. To accomplish this 450 independent carriers and bundle haulers drive in excess of 12,000 miles to deliver papers in more than 120 different towns across more than 105,000 square miles (roughly the size of Iowa and Illinois combined).

Name: Reverend John Scahill, of Portland, Maine, chaplain at the air base

Newspaper: Billings, Billings Gazette, Montana

Event: Respiratory Ailment Brings Quick Baptism, for Patrick J. Kennedy Bouvier

Venue: Otis Air Force Base, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Date: 8 August 1963

Allan Scahill

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