Friday, February 19, 2010

Thomas Scahill - 1832 - Registers of Convicts - Applications to Marry - New South Wales, Australia

This is an extract from family history section on convicts of New South Wales, Australia.

Convicts didn't have the same rights as free citizens. If they wished to get married, they had to apply for the permission of the authorities. Their marriage records would usually contain the words 'by permission' or 'by consent'.

Most marriages occurred after banns were read in church on three consecutive Sundays. Convicts had to apply for permission to marry before the banns could be published. Banns and applications to marry usually record the names and ages of both parties, the date of permission or refusal, status (free or convict), ship of arrival and sentence.

Name: Thomas Scahill

Aged: 42

Ship: Isabella 3

Granted Permission: 1 June 1832

Number: 168

Spouse: Margaret Walsh

Ship: Firth 2

Allan Scahill

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