Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Edward Scahill - Coal Miner - 1891 Census of Canada - South Middlesex - Ontario

This is an extract from the 1891 Census of Canada. The 1891 Census marked the third regularly scheduled collection of national statistics. Regardless of the date when a particular family was actually enumerated, the population was to be counted as it existed on Sunday April 5, 1891.

Name: Edward Scahill

Relationship To Head Of Family: Head

Province: Ontario

District Number:
92 South Middlesex

Enumerated On: 22 April 1891

Age: 40

Marital Status: Married

Occupation: Coal Miner

Birthplace: Ontario

Spouse: Mary Jane Scahill

Aged: 35


Kate Scahill - Aged: 17
Charles Scahill - Aged: 13
Edward Scahill - Aged: 12
Mary E. Scahill - Aged: 4
Francis Scahill - Aged: 7
Martin Scahill - Aged: 5
Joseph Scahill - Aged: 3
Herbert Scahill - Aged: 6 months

Allan Scahill

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